Openhearted Rebel

Coming Together and Transcending External Focus

Credit: Cafepress

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Little is required to feel the divine flow beyond simply opening up and flowing with everything we experience, and as easy as it could be to focus on external things that we hope to increase our sense of spirit, nothing external can really validate or enhance our greater perception.

Opening up to the divine and allowing the loving expressions that result to simply pour out is one of the most potent ways to strengthen our creative/meditative flows, and as these energies continue to increase in intensity, we’ll find that we have to confront some hard truths about ourselves.

One of those truths might be the overbearing extent to which we’ve relied on outside things to affirm our growing spirituality, and when we can be honest enough with ourselves to see that certain things hurt us more than they help, any changes that need made will flow easily.

We’re blessed to be alive in this transformative time, and it’s amazing to see how much love and awareness are growing in the conscious community. More people are becoming aware of spirit and contributing to our ongoing revolution of love every day, and at this point, nothing can stop us from anchoring a higher vibration – except ourselves.

If we wanted to, we could keep ourselves constantly busy with spiritual work or with generally being a part of this growing conscious community. We’re departing the era of fixation on external things to enhance our spiritual perception, and we’re doing this as a solid, unified group.

We’re all here for each other, and when any one of us has an issue or difficulty to deal with, we can receive the loving, selfless support of hundreds of other seekers who recognize that the time has come to empower ourselves and each other.

With the extent to which the conscious community is flourishing (and the extent to which our inner perception is growing) there’s little reason to continue focusing on things that don’t offer us nearly as much love or wholesomeness as the communion we’re creating with others who’ve also found the light.

We’re coming together to love and support each other in this time of transformation, and if we can go with the flow and refuse to give in to the wants, demands and stresses of the ego, we’ll practically float away on a cloud of our own spiritual awareness and collective communion.

It’s good to be grounded to the earth, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with letting ourselves fly. We’ve just started growing our etheric wings, and the more we exercise them right now (and help others do the same) the bigger and stronger they’ll grow.

We’ll eventually see that we never needed anything external to fly, and in fact, we can fly from the comfort of our living rooms if we’re willing to see just how strong and potent our greater perception is becoming. It’d be potent enough if we cultivated it individually, but the fact that we’re collectively cultivating it enhances our progress and speeds up our eventual emergence into the light.

I think it’s important to continue loving and supporting each other, and this certainly shouldn’t be a problem.

Love and support are practically all I see coming from the conscious community these days, and while I’m sure some seekers are still fighting over unimportant things, bickering seems to have been replaced with respectful communion for the most part.

We have a lot of progress to make still, but what we’ve done so far is pretty impressive. Yes, the overall conscious community has more or less split into groups or ‘camps’ of thought, but this doesn’t have to stop us from coming together and loving/respecting each other.

Different camps of thought advocate different ideas, but like plenty of seekers have said, our beliefs aren’t what bring us together – our desire for communion and harmony are. We can be examples of positive change by coming together and loving one another despite any perceived differences in belief, and the planetary vibration will rise rapidly when we do.

Now that we’re realizing the importance of coming together in mutual respect, the support we’re providing each other is rendering the embracement of external things to affirm our spirituality unneeded. We have all of the love we could possibly need within, and this love’s now being reflected in our outer reality by each and every one of us.

Keep sharing your love, fellow seekers, because it’s potent and valuable to the planetary restoration. It’s essential that we continue to come together and support one another, because we’re providing the external love so many seekers have sought in aspects of this reality that tend to bring us down instead of lift us up.

On Facebook alone, I can scroll on my ‘feed’ all day long and read positive, loving and intelligent posts from various people who’ve awakened to the necessity to live for spirit and let everything that inhibits them fall away.

Spending a few minutes on Facebook or any other social media site that’s become a haven for our community will affirm that we’ve made a lot of progress, but our collective mission isn’t complete by far. It’s great to see how far we’re taking this ongoing movement, so let’s not stop in our tracks now.

Let’s increase the love and harmony we express to one another, and let’s take this movement further than we would’ve ever thought or expected. It’s time to create real and lasting, spiritually inspired change, and it’ll start with each of us. This is a very empowering thing to realize, and more seekers will realize it as we continue coming together and raising the planet’s vibration.

(Permission is given to spread this post far and wide, as long as the following bio is included.)

I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Oversoul Teachings, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook ( and ), and .

