Openhearted Rebel

Introducing “The Language Yoga Challenge”


Note from Wes: I’d like to introduce The Language Yoga Challenge, which you can learn more about by reading below. I think it’s a great challenge that can lead us to learn a lot about ourselves, and the Language Yoga website is currently on Week 2 of the challenge.

Language Yoga, January 11, 2015 –

Welcome to the Language Yoga Challenge! As a quick refresher, Language Yoga is a linguistic tool and spiritual practice which works to help one experience unity through language by translating externalizing nouns and pronouns (we, you, us, they, our, it, them, names of other people…) into personal pronouns which promote ownership (me, myself, I…).

Example: “You must be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~Gandhi

Translates to: “I must be the change that I wish to see in myself.”

The purpose of this challenge is to reveal the subconscious mind so it can be integrated into the conscious ego in order to promote balance and healing. Learn more about this translation tool in the about section and at our website, Each week we are going to be laying down a new quote for your translating pleasure!

Complete the challenge by doing the translation and thinking about the questions that go along with the quote. Please share your experience in the comment section below. Good luck!

Without further ado, here is this week’s quote and questions:


How does your translation read?

What thoughts and feelings does doing this translation bring up?

Can you own these different aspects of yourself?

Is there anything else that this translation reveals to you?

Feel free to leave a comment below, I would love to hear your experience!


