Openhearted Rebel

Smoke and Mirrors: The Illusion of Fear


Written by Jason, Expanded Consciousness, January 9, 2015 –

As human beings in a high-tech 21st century society, we’re used to things being organized and structured in a very orderly way. Childhood, then high school, then college, then the “real world” of employment, tax paying, house buying, having a family, and buying lots of toys and gadgets.

But is this really our purpose for being here? Is this really YOUR purpose for being here?

Pushing limits often becomes a matter of financial practicality and reason, and our higher goals and motivations get shelved in favor of the socially-conditioned charade in which we’re all embedded.

Many will default to this conditioned path, because at first, it appears much safer and more secure than “going at it alone” via our own passion-driven endeavors.

However, it’s these very passion-driven endeavors that we’re here to explore. They are the very foundation of our individual existence. Weight exist to be lifted and moved. Those limits and obstacles which so many are so timid toward pushing exist for the very purpose of being defied and transcended.

Life = A Spiritual and Emotional Gym/Training Compound

The obstacles of life are never material and financial.

They’re spiritual and emotional.

You can argue that money plays an important role, and thus is a material/financial obstacle.

Recognize that your relationship to the idea of money, how it’s earned, and your concept of hard work are all personal definitions residing in your spiritual and emotional centers.

These are the levels where the true tests of our reality take place. Consciously cultivating the courage to embrace your fears and learn from them is the first step out of the maze of illusion and aggravation that so many are conditioned to accept and adopt as being the “reality” of things.

When we allow our initial emotional response to something to influence our behavior – without consciously thinking about what we’re doing – we’re behaving unintelligently.

When we consciously examine a situation, and question whether we’re responding optimally (or even appropriately), we expand our consciousness and empower ourselves into the domain of choice.

The more conscious you become, the more genuine choices you have. This is because you’re aware of (and able to perceive more valid) options, and understand how they all tie in together.

People who aren’t as conscious perceive less choices, and thus remain neurotic, timid, doubtful, and live like turtles in their shells. They believe that there’s only a few ways to do the important things in life, and if they can’t manage to succeed within that narrow bandwidth, their sense of security begins to feel threatened.

Every time you gather the courage to consciously test and face down your fears, you increase your consciousness.

You grow to another level as an individual.

Your fears reveal themselves to be smoke and mirrors.

Fortunately, we do have a tool in our toolkit that gives us a hand when deciding where to go next.

Fear is a Compass

Whenever you feel the emotional response commonly labeled “fear”, that very sensation is showing you where you need to grow next.

It’s pointing you directly to where you need to gather the courage to take the actions required to change things.

Having a fear present in your consciousness is exactly like having a small hole in your row boat. You need to patch it up in order to continue, or that one fear will slow you down, potentially sinking you.

Beyond being chased by a lion through the jungle, or having a black bear chase us up a tree, or avoiding a swerving car – our fight or flight reflex is highly-misapplied in today’s society. Because of this, many people turn many a mole hill into a mountain, often without ever realizing what they’re actually doing.

I’m not suggesting abandonment of your natural response system; quite the contrary! I’m condoning conscious and intentional discernment of the presence of a genuine threat in the environment, rather than just behaving unconsciously because that’s what you’ve always done.

Without conscious awareness, every fear response will simply default to pure “life or death” logic – and that’s not a very intelligent way to go around living life!

All you have to do in order to patch any fear is consciously embrace it.

Let it exist as it is.

Stop resisting it inside your own mind.

Whenever you resist fear, you suffer.

Whatever you fear, you must consciously face.

Consciousness naturally negates suffering by very nature of its existence, because consciousness is awareness, and awareness neutralizes situations and allows for choice on how to proceed.

Lack of consciousness promotes reactivity and blind action.

The moment you stop resisting, you can begin behaving intelligently. It no longer becomes about avoiding a consequence at all costs – especially at the cost of your intelligence. When you achieve that level of calm clarity, you empower yourself to choose your next course of action. Nothing is stopping you from doing this with any fear that you could possibly ever have, other than your own individual arbitrary reasonings for why you can’t do so.

Nobody is policing your thinking other than yourself.

When you become conscious of this realization, a huge weight is lifted off of your shoulders.

Your passions are the map of exploration, and your current fear, worry, and doubt are your compass pointing you directly to where you need to go in order to grow to your next level of personal consciousness development/consciousness empowerment.

The Path to Abundance is Through Your Passions

Most will regard their true passions as nothing more than side hobbies; things they enjoy doing “if” they have any spare time left over after completing their daily routine. We might look forward to getting the chance to “do our thing” once or twice a week, at a scheduled time, or on the weekends. “If only I could just do what I’m passionate about and not need to worry about money…life would be awesome!”

Has this thought ever crossed your mind?

I’m willing to bet that it has, and on more than one occasion.

Here’s another question for you: have you ever thought to question, challenge, and defy the very social conditioning that has you thinking that you have to choose between living your passion or having food and shelter?

Were you aware that you can still make plenty of money as a RESULT of following your passion?

The Truth About Reality: Progressive Consciousness Development is All There Is

As stated earlier, our third-dimensional reality is like a gym or training compound for individual consciousness development.

The mode in which this development occurs is through our emotional centers; the ways in which we “feel” about particular events or circumstances.

These “feelings” then influence further behavioral decisions, and thus what we experience as individuals as we move through space and time.

Have you ever felt emotionally challenged by the fear of losing your job, your significant other leaving you, running out of money, etc.? These are the exact developmental tests I’m talking about. Allowing fear to control your experience is something we’ve been conditioned to do by default. Don’t go where it’s uncomfortable; who knows what lies over there!

The path to growth and personal empowerment is through the gateway of courage.

Courage is what allows us to consciously acknowledge our fear – but move ahead with taking action anyway.

The more you do this, the more you begin to test your fear-based assumptions, rather than blindly allowing them to “cage you in” and control your behavior. You start to see that things work out in response to your actions more often than not.

You begin realizing, in a progressively escalating manner, just how illusory most fear-based thinking truly is.

The truth is, there are no limits; only controls.

Progressive consciousness development gives one all the tools necessary to adapt to, overcome, and eventually transcend said controls entirely.

These controls are things such as public education, the church and state, politics, religion/ideology, mass media, etc. Such controls insidiously condition individuals to adopt thoughts and beliefs about scarcity, limitation, danger, and limited resources.

Consequently, millions of people’s behavior is influenced by purely mental constructs, of which each individual always has the choice to obey or defy.

These controls have many trapped for a lifetime, keeping them snared by fear rather than achieving their true potential by courageously following their passion paths.

Many are caught living a social and political charade for the benefit of a few under the guise of civilizational progress and prestige.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

You exist to defy these fear-based assumptions: that is your prime objective as an individual human being.

You exist to defy not out of spite, but out of love, and to prove to others who are on the cusp of embracing their true selves consciously that it CAN be done, and NEEDS to be done.

We don’t need more rules, regulations, ideologies, traditions, toys, and poisons.

We need more conscious human beings doing inspiring work that genuinely assists others in their own evolution.

Everything else that’s currently taking place on this planet is secondary to raising as much of humanity as possible out of the crisis of consciousness we’re currently experiencing.

If you’ve ever wanted to change the world, commit to changing yourself by consciously overcoming your fears and personal biases, and watch how reality begins reflecting that change around you.

By becoming the best possible version of yourself, you finally reclaim your unique spot in creation, like the puzzle piece that has found its correct spot. Because you consciously embrace and work toward realizing your personal potential, reality starts to flow in incredibly beneficial ways as a result of you “claiming your rightful place” at the table. Your “rightful place” is your birth-given right to access your full potential, regardless of what others have to say or think about it.

When you allow fear to control you and prevent you from realizing your goals, fear wins.

When you consciously and courageously take action toward your goals despite your fears, consciousness wins.

All is choice, and all comes down to one simple choice: do you embrace fear and separation, or love and unity?

The choice is yours. It always has been, is now, and always will be.

About the author: 

Jason Demakis a frequent Expanded Consciousness contributing writer. Read more of Jason’s articles HERE. Jason is best known for his writings of consciousness and meditation, and has profound knowledge in each.


