Openhearted Rebel

The Voice Within: Every Aspect of your Consciousness is Divine


Attempting to communicate with the other side of the veil is a very noble effort, and as long as you continue to practice, you’ll be able to make the routine, sustained connection you seek and you’ll benefit in various ways in the long run – mentally, emotionally, creatively, spiritually, etc.

It’s important to routinely sustain your link with the other side, and the more you practice it, the sharper it’ll become and the easier it’ll be to call to the surface to help you and everyone else who sometimes requires higher-vibrational assistance.

Everyone can open up and communicate with their inner voice, which you can give any label that’s comfortable for you and makes it easier for you to connect. You can call this voice whatever you like, but at the end of the day, it’s an intuitive stream of energy that comes from various places.

As long as you can sustain this connection, it doesn’t matter how you present it to others or even to yourselves. What matters is sustaining and routinely practicing it, and you’ll notice the benefits when you can do this with little mind-driven barriers involved.

The ego, which is an aspect of your consciousness and shouldn’t be ignored or denied, will do everything in its power to keep you from making the inner connections you can now make, and recognizing that it’s just as much a part of you as any higher spiritual aspect of your consciousness will help you transcend its negative influence and use it the way it’s meant to be used – as an open receiver for your creative and spiritual side.

The ego can be just as much of an ally as an enemy, and this is where a lot of seekers falter along the spiritual path.

They think or assume the ego is a boogeyman because it’s been misused life after life, and it can become somewhat of a monster if it’s used to operating a certain way and one suddenly starts making rapid changes (as in the case of now, with your physical/spiritual ascension) that it has trouble adjusting to or keeping up with.

It’ll fight to sustain the old paradigm it’s comfortable in, because like many of you, it knows it’ll have a hard time surviving in its old mode of functioning once you’ve successfully raised your vibration and reached new spiritual and emotional territory.

It’ll experience an upgrade of sorts just like you will, because again, it’s a sacred part of you that isn’t meant to be ignored or swept under the rug.

It’ll have to become your ally if you want any hope of raising your vibration or eventually reaching a higher plane of awareness, and the same can be said about your shadow side, which the ego tends to feed.

Everything dark, negative and ‘low’ about you will have to be exposed and brought to the surface if you want to make any real or lasting spiritual connections, and realizing this is usually the first step to reconnecting with your fractured ego, your shadow self and every other part of your consciousness that can and will hold you back if you let them.

Cozy up to them, and you’ll realize that they’ve never been the monsters you assumed they were. They’re actually quite helpful allies in your quest to lighten your vibration and help everyone else do the same, and they’ll help you in wonderful and unexpected ways when you can open up to them without endlessly trying to transcend them or their influence, which you perceive as negative.

Their influence is only negative if you carry pain or negativity within, and this is why exposing and cozying up to your shadow side is so important.

In fact, it’s essential if you want to eventually evolve, and as the rising light energies continue to permeate your planet with increased intensity, more of you will become aware of this and finally cleanse the tendencies and habit patterns that have been bred out of the pain of your past.

You’ll finally befriend the dark or negative aspects of your consciousness, and those of you who’ve already taken up this work have noticed the benefits of being open about your shadow side and loving it as much as you love any other part of yourselves.

Every aspect of your consciousness is divine and holy, including your ego and your shadow self, and when you see this, you can enlist them and allow them to help you raise your awareness and find the pure state of consciousness you seek.

Things will get easier when you can see that you have no more internal or external enemies to fight, and even the forces who strive to keep you down can be exposed and brought down from a purely loving perspective; the perspective of one who has no real enemies and has found pure peace and contentment within.

When you realize that your perceived enemies are as illusory as the idea that the ego and the shadow self should be avoided, exposing and dethroning the elitist forces will be much easier because you’ll do it from an open-minded and openhearted perspective.

Similarly, vanquishing the inner demons that have held you back will become much easier when you see that you aren’t meant to vanquish them at all; you’re meant to give them the same loving exposure any other part of you is meant to receive.

By Wes Annac, January 20, 2015

