Openhearted Rebel

Marc Moore: On Love


Written by Marc Moore, Contributor for The Culture of Awareness, February 9, 2015

Love is the most powerful force in the world or universe, if we call it a force. Love is everything and nothing. There is nothing that is created that is not seeking a connection towards love or some form of love.

Grace is the abundance that is tied to love. Love is expansive. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is both. Love evolves into truth. Truth into Peace. Peace into freedom. Freedom into justice. Justice into righteousness, righteousness into the conscious love of all, or the Creator, which is all. The Creator’s presence is within all of creation.

Who you think you are or whom you truly are, is part of the creator. The essence of the creator within you is your soul. This piece of soul seeks to expand, as it is pure love and grace. From before the moment of birth, the soul is present. The pollutants ingested cause the connection between the body and soul to diminish.

The more pollutants, the greater the disconnection. As the soul continues to grow as, growth and expansion are its’ purpose, disharmony is created, as the growth does not come into fruition through the body. The disconnection between the soul and body is the primal reason for disease or dis-ease, as the soul is the connection to all of existence.

The heart is the seat of the soul. The mind is the seat of the heart. As the heart is the first organ formed and has neurons similar to the brain, the heart is an important factor in allowing oneself to expand. Many believe that they are their brain causing illusions to form on all dimensions of creation.

When the truth of the illusions that one has created begins to reveal itself in what is perceived as destruction, we feel pain because our initial creation is destroyed. If we allow this process of destruction to continue, our true source of existence may reveal itself. Yet, many begin to create again as the destruction is taking place, and continue to create from the foundation of illusion. This creates the cycles of inevitable destruction for us.

The soul is the observer or experiencer in any situation. When a person leaves this sort of throne from which the soul sits, a person begins to create. As a person begins to create they seemingly lose the quality of the observer, or do they? The soul is eternal. The soul is pure energy. Pure energy is Love. Love is the Creator of all. As souls take their throne of observation they, begin to see what truly needs to be created. When souls create without taking the throne of observation, they cannot see the error in their ways.

This is the reason the soul has chose to exist in this earth realm, to grow, expand, and ultimately perfect itself by being corrected until the “day of the end of correction.” Imagine the soul a bride and the earth the groom. This marriage is existence. The soul nurtures its spouse while the earth nurtures its spouse.

Many people have not even become married to their spouse. Some simply do not even care or love their spouse. Some may love their spouse and even hate the spouses’ family. This is so because the observer has not reached the seat of their throne (seat of their existence).

The soul then becomes part of another existence. A higher existence of guiding the body or lower half through a series of experiences that allow a person to unblock the blocks or destroy the illusionary creations that it has created. This process is entirely up to the soul.

Through division many points of observation become apparent. This can be considered negative, although it is a sign of a great mind. There’s is nothing incorrect about creating many vantage points as long as the singular point of existence is the base of creation. If the base of creation is perceived to be anything other than love, the illusion will inevitably be destroyed to reveal the true source.

If the base is not replaced, it is as it the observer will not accept it thus creating disharmony in every illusion. When the base of love, or the creation of all is accepted as the base of the observer, the throne has been taken by the soul. The soul can now see exactly what its purpose is within its existence.

The soul can be equated to consciousness. Consciousness is all. All is love. There are two types on consciousness in existence.   There’s Animate and inanimate consciousness. The animated feels for some reason that it is better or more powerful than the inanimate, yet it is the same material of matter. All matter is made of energy (consciousness). Everything in creation has a purpose given to it by its’ Creator.

The purpose of a soul is to reach the source of its’ existence, which it the Creator of all. This happens at the end of correction.

