Openhearted Rebel

Steve Beckow: With Quiet Comes Peace


Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, March 1, 2015

Written while on holidays.

Archangel Michael has said that achieving world peace is the first step to take in building Nova Earth.

And then he adds that there will be no world peace without inner peace.

And I totally agree.

What is inner peace? Just think about it for a minute. I know we’ve talked about it before, but it’s important.

What is inner peace but a quiet mind? What is successful living but an open heart?

When no vrittis (thought-waves) arise in the mind, the Self, the bringer of peace, is known.

We’re all busy people. How are we going to achieve a quiet mind?

It has to be a quiet mind in action.

This is precisely what Krishna had in mind when he talked about seeing the inaction that was in action.   “The inaction” is the quiet mind. “The action” is the world and its round of life. (1)

What we need to accomplish, and I have not done this myself, is to achieve a quiet mind while building Nova Earth.

No one gets to step off the carousel this time and wander off to a Himalayan cave. We’ve all done that in other lifetimes. This lifetime the Mother tells us we’re to pull together and create a new world, a new social order, a new economy, new education, medicine, nutrition, entertainment.

If we’re to do that, one of the things we’ll need is inner peace through quieting the mind. “Touch ultimate emptiness,” Lao Tzu said. (2) We have to be brave enough to consider that who we are is nothing at all. It is ultimate emptiness.

We have to be willing to walk forward into life knowing that who we are is not the clothes we’re wearing, not our reputation, not our wealth, but this emptiness that is full of bliss, this nothingness that is All.

Knowing That, I imagine, would quiet the mind once and for all. And with that quietude would come peace. This quietness, this stillness, this peace in action is what we’re charged with developing.

Starting this week, I’ll be taking Monday and Tuesday off on a regular basis.


(1)  The original meaning is that “action” is the body and “inaction” is the Self. The “action that is in inaction,” discussed below, is the Mother (action) in the Father (inaction).

“He who sees the inaction that is in action, and the action that is in inaction, is wise indeed. Even when he is engaged in action he remains poised in the tranquillity of the Atman [Self].” (Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 52.)

(2) Lao Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 197, 68.

