Full Moon in Sagittarius – Embodying Your Simplest Gifts

Full Moon in Sagittarius – Embodying Your Simplest Gifts

By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone, Wake Up World

As the lunar cycle began with the New Moon in Taurus on May 15th, 2018, we were invited into a process of radical re-creation; to discover what liberates us, what is limiting us, what we need to truly sustain ourselves, and how can we create a deeper sense of value, purpose, meaning and nourishment in our lives.

Now, as the energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius takes shape, we are invited deeper into this process of re-creation; to redefine and reframe our beliefs, intentions, self-definitions and inner dialogue, thereby creating space to embody our simplest — and greatest — natural gifts, and allow our heart’s guidance to re-shape our relationship to the outside world. Our Broad Spectrum CBD oil contains a wide range of cannabinoids apart from THC - CBD Queen. Continue reading Full Moon in Sagittarius – Embodying Your Simplest Gifts

full moonsagittariussimplest gifts
When You’ve Tried Everything to Feel Better But Nothing Seems to Work…

When You’ve Tried Everything to Feel Better But Nothing Seems to Work…

By Rachel Horton WhiteWake Up World

In spite of our best efforts to feel better and live a life of peace and joy, why does it still feel so hard sometimes to be human in this world? Why does it feel like we are never enough, that we always have to strive to be doing something more (even something that is good for us)?

Visualizations, affirmations, manifestations, intuitively getting messages from guides and angels, receiving Reiki or other energy healing, going to counseling, exercising, clearing/grounding energy, writing, talking, getting a new job… These are all things we think we will make us feel better. And sometimes they do. Continue reading When You’ve Tried Everything to Feel Better But Nothing Seems to Work…

meditationpositive life
Why Are We Not Talking About The Reality of Giant Humanoid Skeletons? Here Are A Few Examples

Why Are We Not Talking About The Reality of Giant Humanoid Skeletons? Here Are A Few Examples

By Richard Enos, Collective Evolution

If you step back and look—truly look, with eyes open—at the way human history has been managed in recent times by the established order, you will see an unmistakable pattern.

A certain perception has been pushed, selectively constructed from Darwin’s ‘The Origin of Species’–the notion that the human race evolved up through the apes, in an unbroken, linear pattern of growth and adaptation, predicated on random genetic mutations; additionally, that the human race as we know it is the only intelligent species to ever inhabit the planet, and has never been in direct contact with intelligent species of any other kinds.

Testimonials and evidence from the past that don’t contradict that perception of our history are commonly accepted as fact. Nobody seems to be challenging, for example, the notion that mastodons or dinosaurs once roamed the Earth. Continue reading Why Are We Not Talking About The Reality of Giant Humanoid Skeletons? Here Are A Few Examples

examplesgiant humanoid skeletonshistory

Physician, Heal Thyself

By , Golden Age of Gaia

For the past couple of weeks I have been hampered by a sharp pain on my lower back, most likely resulting from a pinching of the sciatic nerve. I am very often seated cross-legged in the floor as part of my work and so I often have a build up of stress and tension in my lower back.

I practice yoga, and exercise regularly which helps to manage it. This time however, it was much more severe. I decided to work with it and see why it was suddenly so prominent. What came up surprised me. I share this with you because it illustrates very well how our ingrained beliefs can affect our health. Continue reading Physician, Heal Thyself

heal thyself
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Gluten?

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Gluten?

By Dr. Mercola, Waking Times

The word “gluten” has become such a buzzword in recent years, most likely because of the sudden popularity of the gluten-free diet that’s been endorsed by famous personalities. Before you consider trying this diet, read this page first to learn about gluten, and how it can negatively impact your body and health in the long run.

What Is Gluten?

A type of protein, gluten is composed of glutenin and gliadin molecules that form an elastic bond when mixed with water. Gluten is highly noted for its adhesive abilities that can maintain a compact structure for holding bread and cakes together, and providing a spongier texture. This ability isn’t surprising, considering that the word “gluten” is derived from the Latin word for “glue.” Continue reading What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Gluten?

Whole Foods Quietly Halts GMO Labeling Requirements

Whole Foods Quietly Halts GMO Labeling Requirements

By Brandon TurbevilleNatural Blaze

A year after Whole Foods was acquired by internet retail giant Amazon, the food company is backing off its commitment to ensuring that food suppliers inform the consumer and the store itself if their food products contain GMOs.

There is some confusion about the decision by Whole Foods to walk back on its commitment but one thing is for sure – it is walking back. Continue reading Whole Foods Quietly Halts GMO Labeling Requirements

GMO labelinghaltswhole foods
Mindfulness Techniques You Can Use To Help Treat Children With Anxiety Disorders

Mindfulness Techniques You Can Use To Help Treat Children With Anxiety Disorders

By Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

When you have a cut, it often bleeds. People can see the wound, and acknowledge that you are injured. Mental health is much different. It cannot be “seen” in the concrete way we are used to associating pain with.

But in its own way, mental health is very visible—it just takes knowing the signs. And while we may view physical and mental health a bit differently, one thing is for sure: Western medicine reaches for a bandage first and foremost, often in the form of antidepressants and other medications.

Anxiety disorders plague more than one in four adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18, and are typically treated with such forms of medicine as mentioned above. What if there was another way to help them live a relatively healthy childhood without first resorting to pills? Continue reading Mindfulness Techniques You Can Use To Help Treat Children With Anxiety Disorders

anxiety disordersmindfulness
Mainstream Media vs. the Age of Information

Mainstream Media vs. the Age of Information

By Ethan Indigo Smith, Wake Up World

The information age is changing entirety. It has changed and continues to change so rapidly that many of us, many times, find ourselves playing catch-up, not just with trends of communication but also with shifts in the flow of information itself.

The internet provides access to information and education on everything from politics to physics. Indeed we are presently more capable of being knowledgeable than other group of people to have ever lived. Internet communication devices are almost like having a key to the Akashic Field; we can tap into practically all information anywhere on Earth. Continue reading Mainstream Media vs. the Age of Information

age of informationmainstream media
Top Ayurvedic Home Remedies and Practices to Improve Wellbeing

Top Ayurvedic Home Remedies and Practices to Improve Wellbeing

By Anna Hunt, Waking Times

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that originated in the Indian Vedic culture. It is one of the oldest healing modalities that is still practiced today. Ayurvedic home remedies are very practical for people looking to address anxiety and stress. Moreover, Ayurvedic practices can improve mental clarity, sleep, pain, stiffness, hair, skin, and more. Continue reading Top Ayurvedic Home Remedies and Practices to Improve Wellbeing

ayurvedic home remediesimprove wellbeing
GMO Answers is a Marketing and PR Website for GMO Companies

GMO Answers is a Marketing and PR Website for GMO Companies

By Stacy Malkan, thanks to Natural Blaze

Update May 2018: Tax records show that the Council for Biotechnology Information, a chemical industry trade group, paid Ketchum public relations firm more than $11 million from 2013-2016 to to run GMO Answers.

ketchum gmo answers

GMO Answers is billed as a forum where consumers can get straight answers from independent experts about genetically engineered foods, and some journalists take it seriously as an unbiased source. But the website is a straight-up industry marketing tool to spin GMOs in a positive light. Continue reading GMO Answers is a Marketing and PR Website for GMO Companies

GMO answersGMO companiesmarketingPR website

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