29 Ways to Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing

Author/Source unknown, Taken from Higher Perspective, September 10, 2014 – http://tinyurl.com/lhw3u3w
Are you an artist? Musician? Yogi? Knitter? Everyone’s a little bit creative, and no matter what your outlet for creativity, we can definitely hit snags every now and again. I know I sure do. But here are 29 tips to help keep those creative juices flowing.
  1. Make lists. Write down what you need to do.
  2. Carry a notebook, just in case an idea hits you.
  3. Put the pen to paper and write literally whatever comes to mind.
  4. Step away from the computer (After you read this list!!)
  5. Don’t beat yourself up over snags.
  6. Take a break
  7. Sing in the shower. You’re a regular Yanni.
  8. Have a cup o coffee.
  9. Listen to some good music.
  10. Be open to new ideas.
  11. Surround yourself with lots of creative people.
  12. Get feedback! Don’t keep stuff bottled up.
  13. Collaborate with other creative people (see #11).
  14. Never give up. Never surrender.
  15. Practice your art. You’re never too much of a master to practice.
  16. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes. Let ’em happen.
  17. Try taking a trip someplace you’ve never been.
  18. Remember what blessings you have.
  19. Don’t keep yourself up all night. Get plenty of sleep!
  20. Take a risk now and then.
  21. Break those stupid rules.
  22. Don’t force your creativity. It’ll come.
  23. Read a page out of a book.
  24. Create the framework for future success.
  25. Don’t try to be anyone else, and definitely don’t strive for perfection.
  26. Write down your ideas! (see #2)
  27. Clean up your work space.
  28. Always remember to have fun doing what you do.
  29. Finish one of the tasks you’re working on.

I’m definitely going to try some of these the next time I feel blocked.

Read more at http://higherperspective.com/2014/09/29-ways-to-keep-creative.html#AD0eCZGEiqp01V2H.99

29 wayscreative juicesflowingkeep

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