Ferguson and Unnecessary Racial Division

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I live about half an hour away from Ferguson, MO, and I’ve talked with a couple people who live in the community. The people who live there seem more educated on the situation than the people who live in my town, and right now, we’re hearing talk of more rioting when the verdict on Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Michael Brown, is announced.

By this point, most people assume (probably correctly) that Wilson isn’t going to get in any trouble. This is why more rioting’s expected when the verdict’s released, and some people are so shaken that they’re encouraging others to stay indoors on the day of the release.

Some people are convinced that violent rioting will be inevitable, and some are even convinced it’ll spread to the Illinois towns nearest to Ferguson and West Florissant. I’ve been to West Florissant a few times since this whole thing started, and only once have I noticed protests and some pretty hateful words being thrown around.

I want to give my perspective on the situation, because I’m usually quiet when I listen to those around me spew their fear and hate-laced words about it.

I’ll try to be as respectful as possible.

The first thing I notice is that even though none of us were there, everyone’s taking the opportunity to give their two cents on the shooting. Suddenly, everyone’s making the situation about them, their opinion and their prejudices, and there’s no shortage of fearful and hateful talk flying around right now.

The second thing I notice is that some people are ready for this issue to turn fully racial. It’s obviously a race issue already for a lot of reasons, but it seems that most people don’t realize that this isn’t as much about race as it is the corrupt vs. the people; the authorities vs. the oppressed.

Like plenty of people have pointed out, kids of every race are shot by cops all the time, and yet, their stories don’t make headlines or cause riots. Police corruption runs rampant in every country, and yet, we don’t hear nearly as much about it as we’ve heard about the Michael Brown shooting, the Trayvon Martin shooting, etc.

It’s almost as if the media wants to subtly yet directly program into our heads that the fight we’re dealing with is racial.

People of every race are being kept down by a corrupt elite force that uses equally corrupt police forces to do their bidding and oppress the poor, and I’m sure the elite are licking their lips at the chance to turn this situation into some kind of race war.

What do we gain by hating and attacking each other when we’ve all been oppressed by people who nobody’s focusing on? Divide and conquer has always been in the elite’s playbook, and it seems silly that we’d all fight each other instead of uniting and focusing that aggressive, rebellious energy on the people who’ve actually kept us down.

Tom down the street hasn’t done a single thing to oppress anyone, and yet, he’s the one who suffers when people in his neighborhood start rioting. Instead of fighting and rebelling against each other, which is exactly what the elite want us to do, why don’t we recognize that people of every race have been kept down by people in power for centuries?

Beyond popular uprisings like Occupy, Idle No More, Pussy Riot and others, where’s the widespread rebellion against the powers that be? Why don’t people take a stand against the actual forces of corruption who are actually keeping people of every race in desolate, practically unbearable poverty?

At the very least, we could focus on the widespread issue of police corruption instead of focusing on race. In Jamaica, police beat up and even kill Rastafarians pretty much all the time, and guess what – they’re black policemen.

Black policemen are oppressing their black brothers and sisters, and yet, you don’t hear about it on the news. I’m sure plenty of black policemen have repeatedly hurt or oppressed black people here in the US, and the same can be said for white cops and white people.

Any combination of races can be used, and what I think people need to realize is that race isn’t the issue here – corruption, police brutality, and elitist-enforced oppression are.

Only when we come together with recognition of the fact that we’ve all been kept down can we hold the forces who are responsible accountable, and violence against each other won’t solve any problems.

When that verdict’s released and Wilson isn’t held accountable, the worst thing people can do is sputter out of control and blame the whole thing on race. I don’t think Wilson will be punished– not because I’m on his side by any means, but because that’s how the world works these days.

If Johnny gets caught with marijuana in the wrong state, he’ll probably go to jail, but if a police officer wrongly kills a kid (no matter what color either of them are) you can bet he’ll get away with it. That’s the sad state our world’s in today, and it has been for a long time.

Do we really think we’ll make it better by fighting each other when we’ve all been kept down and oppressed? What exactly is that supposed to solve? The only thing that’d happen is that the elite would watch us fight and kill each other with smug grins on their faces as they sipped their champagne and puffed on their cigars.

They wouldn’t be held accountable, but plenty of unsuspecting people’s lives would be made worse by unnecessary rioting and destruction. Innocent people who’ve done nothing to oppress the black community (or any other community) could even lose their lives.

To those of you in or around Ferguson who’ll want to riot if/when Darren Wilson’s allowed to walk: Please keep in mind what you’re rioting against. Do you want to create real and lasting social change, or do you just want to go crazy and shout ‘f*ck the system’ because another injustice has been perpetrated and you’re mad?

We’re all human, and regardless of our color, we all think and feel. Most of us want our world to be fairer and more in alignment with the rights we’re supposed to have, and the only thing we’ll achieve with senseless riots is exactly what the elite who’ve kept us down want: total anarchy.

Why do you think the National Guard’s already in Ferguson awaiting deployment? The elite are ready for us to go crazy, because they want Martial Law and the ability to take away our rights and control us even more. The question is, are we going to give them what they want by acting uncivilized?

Will we sputter out of control and cause the destruction they’ve been waiting for, effectively signing away our rights, or will we act civilized and peaceful as we direct our understandable rebellion against the forces who’ve kept us all down?

I don’t think we need to see this issue (or any issue) in terms of race anymore. Looking at our world through a racial lens keeps us divided, whereas recognizing that we’re one planetary family can enable us to dethrone the self-serving elitist forces who are ready for the total anarchy that’ll solidify their plans to control every race.

They aren’t afraid of riots – they want people to riot more than anything.

As one people, let’s cease giving them what they want and finally arise against them, recognizing that we have it in us to create a new world – a world where everyone’s rights are recognized and we’re no longer divided based on our race or any other small detail that doesn’t mean squat in the bigger picture.

“Until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes, dis a war.” – Bob Marley

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fergusonunnecessary racial division

3 thoughts on “Ferguson and Unnecessary Racial Division”

  1. I so agree with your thoughts on this issue We will beat the powers that thought they were ruling only by using intelligent, loving actions toward each other Certainly destroying property and injuring innocent people gives them (and their controlled media) fuel for enforcing more barbaric laws Please people of Ferguson, use your hearts and DO NOT react like has been provoked too many times!!! Let cooler heads prevail and prove to all watching that you k now there is a better way.
    As love energies are bombarding Gaia, we are seeing more honesty and caring from others around us So a miracle is possible here also Many may have an awakening of their past behaviours and change course? We are ONE!! PEACE



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