Wisdom With Wes: Unabashed Love and Service

We aren’t here to gain acceptance or validation of the spiritual nature of our existence – we’re here to offer our love, plainly and unabashedly.

Some of us might have trouble with this every now and then, but any difficulty we face along the way is intended to motivate us to try even harder; to express even more love in the face of seemingly impossible odds.

As easy as it is to focus on the external aspects of our existence, such as the ‘fame’ or recognition we receive from others, I think the most important thing to focus on will always be the love we seek to offer and the creativity we enjoy so much, which we intend to help others with.

We aren’t here to please anyone, but we are here to enjoy ourselves and show as much love as we can to the rest of the world along the way.

When we can stop taking our existence so seriously and keep in mind that what we intend to create is a renaissance of awareness and spirituality, the pressure we tend to put on ourselves will fade and we’ll be left with pure, unconditional love and a relentless desire to serve others.

How do you choose to serve the planet today?

Stay aware!

Wes Annac ❤

2014, http://cultureofawareness.com

serviceunabashed lovewisdom with wes

4 thoughts on “Wisdom With Wes: Unabashed Love and Service”

  1. Wes, and company; I am so, so grateful to have found Awareness(I’m not perfect; I mean the site).
    Some days are harder than others…which is why I spend time here, and on other spiritual places. I’m not in
    any sense of the term, perfect…but even the Shadow stuff I’m learning to roll with, and the mere (paradigm-shifting) acts of humility, and gratitude(Oprah, you’re responsible for those, grin), I sense relief, brightness, and better grounded thinking. The one thing I am beyond words in gratefulness for is being able to feel Joy again…The first time I felt it for real was March ’13…I woke up giggling uncontrollably, and could see Angels winking at me, and laughing. If not for you all, I would not still be here. Bless you all.


    1. I’m so glad to hear this site is helping, Brooke, and equally glad to hear you’ve been able to find joy. I hope to hear you’re able to find even more joy as time rolls on. Much love! 🙂



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