Wisdom With Wes: Ending the Battle

No matter how intense or deeply rooted any conflict we experience with our loved ones is, we’ll always return to love and forgiveness. We can make things much easier by ending the battle now instead of dragging it out and causing unnecessary pain and misery.

When we experience conflict or turmoil with a loved one, we face two options: we can either cut off contact with them, which some people will do if the turmoil’s bad enough, or forgive them and/or seek forgiveness from them.

If we don’t intend to all-out abandon them, we might as well come to the inevitable conclusion of reuniting and forgiving.

We don’t help ourselves or the rest of the planet when we sustain unneeded conflict with people in our life who, like us, simply want love and the feeling that they’re accepted and cared for.

We maintain an energy of conflict that keeps our world’s current broken condition going when we keep fighting, and the best thing we can do is reunite with anyone we fight, with the knowledge that we’ll not only help ourselves and them, but the rest of the planet eventually embrace peace.

No matter what conflict we face, we’ll eventually have to end it in favor of peace. Peace is inevitable, and those of us who strive to see it manifest on the world stage will have to embrace it throughout our daily existence. Otherwise, our efforts will mean little.

How do you choose to interact with the people in your life today?

Stay aware!

Wes Annac ❤


ending the battlewisdom with wes

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