Wisdom with Wes: Flowing Detachment

Life can be simple despite its difficulties, and we’re the ones who make it hard on ourselves. To enjoy a relatively easy and free-flowing existence, all we have to do is go with the flow.

We can observe everything we experience from a detached perspective, and everything will become easier when we stop judging the situations or circumstances we face.

Everything happens for a reason that’s ultimately intended to help us grow, and as easy as it is to descend into judgment or rebellion if we don’t experience the outcomes we strive for, we’ll find that it held us back when we learn to be detached and remember to enjoy and appreciate life – the good and the bad.

We can’t appreciate the good experiences without getting through the bad ones, but negativity won’t affect us as strongly when we remain centered.

Will you stay centered and detached today?

Stay aware!

Wes Annac 🙂

2014, http://cultureofawareness.com

flowing detachmentwisdom with wes

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