Steve Beckow: May Old Attachments Be Forgot

Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, December 31, 2014 –

There’s nothing complex about what we’re doing. Only the scale makes it daunting.

We’re letting go of the old that doesn’t serve us, and welcoming in the new which we’re designing so that it does serve us.

We’re letting go of what doesn’t work and choosing to go with what works.

There’s nothing complex about a world that works for everyone. In the higher dimensions towards which we’re headed, life works for everyone as a matter of course.

If we want life to work that way now, we need to imitate the way they live to the extent of our capabilities.

If every person cared for every other person, the world would work for everyone.

If every person loved every other person, the same.  If every person shared, the same.  And if every person respected the free will of all others, all the time, again the same.

The more refined vibrations of the higher dimensions would guarantee such a world.  When people are filled with love, things naturally work and people do what works. When we gaze upon such a world, we’ll probably say, “Of course.”

Even though it was our own behavior that stood between us and having that Garden of Eden, we’ll probably still say, “Of course.”

I’m willing to wager that most lightworkers already “know” deep down inside what’s required. I don’t mean know as in being able to give a lecture about it in front of college students.  I mean that ineluctable knowing that seems like the Self saying “Yes.”  An inner “Yes.” A heart-conscious “Yes.”

If we already know and yet “it’s not happening,” then where’s the sticking point?

The sticking point may be around our will. We, as individuals and as a community, may not be willing to take ourselves in hand as well as win over the rest of the world to such things as universal love, compassion, sharing, and respect.

Or, because of the monkey-like nature of the mind, the sticking point may be that we lack the concentration to make any line of thought or conduct stick for more than a day.

One or the other.

That’s why the Company of Heaven stresses such things as rituals. We ritualize certain aspects of our lives where we want to make sure to do something, such as express gratitude to the Divine Mother or pray for the well-being of all sentient life. Then we don’t drop out on making these a feature of our lives.

So here and now we regard the coming of the New Year and we have rituals associated with it – welcoming in the New Year with joy and celebration and making New Year’s resolutions.  We let the old go and open ourselves to the new.

But the real old we need to let go of are the beliefs that led us to become isolated from each other in the first place, uncaring of what happens to each other, and unsupportive of anything other than what directly affects us and our families.

I bet that Nova Earth will be won and built the day the whole Earth joins hands for any reason. The minute we make contact with each other as a planet, the job will have been done.  I’m not sure how that can be done.  But that global contact, that global connection is what there is first to build, what there is to maintain, and what there is to extend.

I extend my arms and love to all beings.

May all beings be happy this new year.

May all beings have everything they need to have this world work out for everyone.

forgotnew year'sold attachmentsSteve Beckow

4 thoughts on “Steve Beckow: May Old Attachments Be Forgot”

  1. I love you Wes 🙂 Your heart reaching your busy mind is fun to watch



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