Steve Beckow: Beloved, I am All

Puppets 2
I am in the Father and the Father is in me

Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, January 27, 2015

Nothing gives me more pleasure than to take what the Divine Mother has said and add a word or two of explanation in the event that someone may not understand the significance or importanceof her words.

I think the Divine Mother gives joy to the person who writes about her, as a form of encouragement. But that’s just a guess.

More than a year ago, we had the Mother’s baptism of clarity, purity, and grace. Then we had the tsunami of love washing over us in successive waves.  Then we had the pause and inertia and now we have “New Time.” I’d say we’re definitely out of the starting gate, but in what respect?

As the first planet in the universe to undergo a gradual, physical Ascension en masse, Earth is probably the center of attention in the universe and the Mother is telling us what her agenda has been and is for the event that so many civilizations are undoubtedly watching.

We’re out of the starting gate in that we’re entering the time of creation and co-creation – the “new” time in which we begin to experience our own creative powers and co-create the New Earth with the invisible side of the Company of Heaven (we are the visible side).

Consider for a moment that the Divine Mother is speaking to all “Gaians,” all earth dwellers, at whatever level of understanding they may be.  She’s talking as plainly as she can of unutterable mysteries, that span dimensionality and test our comprehension.

Here for instance:

“Beloved, I am All. You think of me as Mother, as energy, as universe, as One, but I am also All, and in that there is no conceivable way that you are not still an integral, connected, universal part of my being, as I am of yours.” (1)

Hindus reading this might say, “Well, she’s just spoken to three levels of understanding at once: the dualistic, the qualified non-dualistic and the non-dualistic.”

I am the All, the One – the non-dualistic. “You think of me as Mother” – the dualistic. But along with that, “there is no conceivable way that you are not still an integral, connected, universal part of my being” – the qualified non-dualistic. (Qualified non-dualism refers to the belief that we are both individuals and yet an integral part of God.

Jesus expressed the mystery this way:

“I and my Father are one.” (2)

“The Father is in me, and I am in him.” (3)

There is nothing that exists and nothing that does not exist that isn’t part of God, whether God is conceived of in its inactive phase (the Father) or its active phase (the Mother).

Put another way, God is One without a second. There is no second to God. All is God. God wears every face and plays every role. If there were even one person separate from God – a second – God would not be everything.

Within that Allness of God, for its own pleasure, God created illusory divisions. God created dimensions, universes, kingdoms, timelines, all of them having no more permanence than our breath in a cold morning’s air.  Our breath is there for a moment and then it’s gone.

One moment in a Day of Brahma is an awful long time but it’s still just a moment from God’s vantage point (if a God that is everything everywhere could be said to have a vantage point).

Here we are, equivalent to finger puppets – part of the body of God but seemingly individual.  However, contrary to qualified non-dualism, it’s at least theoretically possible for God to plunge everything into nothingness, at which point all returns to him/her/it.

It’s also possible for one to, as Archangel Michael phrases it, “return home.” But those that do appear to sally forth again on the eternal mission to bring everyone else to the same “destination.”

But to return to trying to describe the indescribable: when I went from God the All to us finger puppets, I shifted from the absolute level of existence to the Third/Fourth/Fifth Dimensional.

I didn’t tell you I did. I kept speaking as if everything I was talking about existed on one level. But the secret to understanding what the Divine Mother is saying is to realize that two different levels of reality are being discussed in a single sentence. Unless we see that, we may not be able to make heads or tails out of what she’s saying.

I am in God and God is in me. OK, we see how we are in God. But how is God in us?

Well, leaving aside the obvious – that, if God is everything, he/she/it has to be in us as well as outside of us – let’s look for a deeper meaning.

God planted … what? A seed? A part? A fragment? of itself in the heart of every being, a “pearl of great price” that we are to discover. That is our purpose in life – to discover our divine nature. (4)

That spark of the Divine is called by dozens of names in the world’s religions. We most commonly call it the soul, but that word is often used to take in our various non-physical bodies and that makes it a confusing term to use. A better term might be the “Self.”

Hindus use the term “Atman.” Buddhists use various terms: our original face, our Buddha Nature, Big Mind, etc.

Akhenaton knew it as the inner sun; Zoroaster as “Fire, the Son of the Lord”; Moses as the lamp always burning on the altar of the heart.

Jesus knew it as the Christ, the Prince of peace, the savior – the mustard seed that grew into a great tree, the measure of meal that leavened the whole loaf.

Same thing; different names.

This soul “exists” on the other side of an aperture Hindus call the hridayam.  Upon achieving Sahaja Samadhi, in deep Fifth-Dimensionality, that aperture opens and stays open, bringing us permanent and constant contact with the Self and liberating us from the need to be reborn into a physical body.

So we are in God because God is everything and God is in us as the soul, the divine spark in the heart.

I should probably stop here. I could go on forever. There’s nothing more joyful than discussing these mysteries.

The Divine Mother in this program has asked us to stop seeing ourselves as separate and realize that we are Her and She is us.

It’s time to move from the dualistic to at least the qualified non-dualistic, but eventually to the non-dualistic understanding of the Fifth Dimension. And we have a whole planet to make that transition comprehensible to.

She’s initiated the conversation and now the unpacking of her words, the development of them is up to us. Not a small task.


(1) “The Divine Mother: Welcome to ‘New Time,’” Jan. 27, 2015, at

(2) John 10:30.

(3) Jesus in John 10:38.


belovedI am allSteve Beckow

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