20 Snacks That’ll Kick Start Your Metabolism And Burn Fat Fast

Taken from Higher Perspective, February 20, 2015

More and more people are becoming conscious of their health and weight, which makes sense when you consider that obesity is an enormous problem. Childhood obesity has doubled in the last 30 years.

Twothirds of adults are obese and one third of children struggle with being overweight. If this rate continues, 51% of Americans will be obese by 2030.

Just 20 years ago, no state had an obesity rate over 15%. Now, 41 states do.Obesity is linked to more than 60 chronic diseases. 572,000 people die every year from cancer, and a third of them are linked to excess body weight, poor nutrition and an inactive lifestyle. So with all that in mind, it makes sense that people are so interested in their health.

These 20 snack foods are delicious, easy to incorporate into your diet, and will have you living a healthier lifestyle in no time. Of course, if you’re extremely overweight, you should consult a physician and dietitian about how to lose that weight safely and in a healthy way.

Read more at http://higherperspective.com/2015/02/20-snacks-fat.html#HWSKxpX2vB0YuDWO.99

20 snacksburn fat fasthigher perspectivekick start your metabolism

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