Gaia Scene Community Forum Opening Ceremony

credit: Lynne Ferrari
credit: Lynne Ferrari

Written by Andrea Scully, Golden Age of Gaia, March 1, 2015

This is it!

The Grand Opening of the Gaia Scene community forum! Thank you for attending.

I’d like to share with you now the welcoming words of my dear sisters and workmates who’ve been busy as bees with me building the new forum, Gaia Scene, which is opening it’s doors today.

I’m proud to be in their company, and extremely blessed to have them co-creating with me.

DevapriyaFrom Devapriya-

I’m so exited! We’ve built a house!

Up to now we’ve only had the Yahoo Discussion Group, which energetically functions like a mailbox. Contacts, sharings and informations come fly-by in a mail – today they’re here and present within the community, tomorrow they’re gone again.

What a difference this is from the old mailbox, to enter a house with many rooms! Space in here for a huge diversity of individuals; meeting and sharing, exchanging information, experience and understanding, and building community.

It was and is wonderful to have been participant and co-moderator of our Yahoo Group for the past three years. I’ve met wonderful people, made some real good friends, met soul sisters and brothers, shared a lot of my Self, learned a lot about my Self, and expanded and polished my expertise in the Art of Communication.

Sometimes, in busy times with lots of traffic, I’ve felt some sadness about the quick flow of messages in the mailbox, and my inability to adequately respond to everything that touched me. Yahoogroup messages are very much in the moment, they don’t have a container to hold the vibrations, a mailbox doesn’t offer enough body for energy to stay and circulate.

Therefore I often don’t share what I feel resonating and coming up in me in response to a message, simply because the timing doesn’t suit me. When I find the time and energy for a reply, the attention of the group has already gone to another topic, and it just doesn’t fit to try and bring that passed flow back into the now.

Already three years ago I started getting on my boss’ (Andrea Scully’s) nerves, nagging her, “Let’s get rid of the mailbox and set-up a browser forum; let’s build a house for this community!”

Back then there was no resonance from the team. It wasn’t the right time. Divine timing is always right…

Now is the time. We’ve created a browser-based forum, a place people can easily go to by one click from the blog’s main page.

I so much love going into our community house! This has body, wow! Already after a few days work I can feel the energy whenever I enter. I can feel the people who pour in their heart-blood to this sacred and safe space.

I feel the blessings of all those wonderful souls who show their appreciation of the team’s service, by donating to the HopeChest Fund and making all this possible. I can even feel the anticipation of those yet-unknown friends out there in the world who are longing for this house to give them a second home.

I feel our brother, Archangel Michael at the doorway; the front wall vibrates with His blue ray (at the other walls and corners other Archangels have taken their position), and the portal opens and closes by His guidance. Those who enter in the spirit of peace, truth and compassion find His door open and His house welcoming.

Archangel Michael has always been with the moderators of his forum. Yes, His forum.

The Yahoo discussion group was founded after Michael had asked Steve to create a place for people to meet, in order to build community. He also secured help so that Steve wouldn’t have to do the work of holding the forum together.

The right people would come, He said, and He would guide them all along the way. And so He does. All the way. All the time.

And all of this has only become possible because of you, dear friends. My deepest gratitude goes out to all of you beloved readers who support the Golden Age of Gaia, and participate in building community and a world that works for everyone.

Daily life doesn’t offer as many aware mirrors as such a community of awakening fellow travelers does. Nothing’s fostered the expansion of my consciousness more than participating in a discussion forum. Sharing and learning from the feedback of the group is a great awakening tool.

Don’t miss it, dear friends, we’re building community and welcome you home. I’m looking forward to meeting you here. Love, life, and laughter expands when it’s shared, and here’s a safe and secure place to do so.

See you soon, Beloveds…

alexandbess3From Alex Clark-

It’s interesting for me to look back at my history on the internet and remember the primary reason I purchased a computer in 1999 was simply so I could join an online forum.

Fifteen years have flown by in that time and the technology and platforms of this type of communication have evolved just as fast. Anyone who remembers being a member of an AOL group with dial-up internet access knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Over the past decade, our ability to communicate globally has increased exponentially. What I’ve noticed during this time, much of which has been spent in forums, asking questions, sharing my experience and providing information, is a decided shift in pronouns.

When I first began communicating with beings online, the use of the pronoun ‘You’ was very prevalent. It was all about you doing this and how it makes others feel. The energy of blame and outwardly-directed agression was prevalent. It was certainly choppy seas as many struggled to find a place to be heard, share their collective blame and stand in small disenfranchised groups.

As beings started to get the hang of communicating through the ethers, there was a decided shift to the ‘I’. Many folks stopped blaming others and began standing firm in their personal feelings and beliefs. A platform for being heard had been achieved, and for some, it became a soapbox to call out from.

I’d say that during this time, the energy supported a vast level of geopolitical awakening within the collective, and many sought out a family of sorts, a place where others stood with them in islands of belief, wearing what they stood for like team colors.

Technology again shifted as desktop and laptop computers made way for smartphones and tablets. Internet communication went mobile, and the ability to instantly communicate across vast distances made our world appear much smaller.

A whole generation of young folks then flooded the internet. These kids haven’t been born into a computerless world, and many have amazing innate technological savviness. Social media cements a laticework of connection between beings that can only be compared to the etheric energy grids. Lives across the planet are connected in real time.

In this time of greatly accelerated energies, I’ve seen a decided shift into the use of the pronoun ‘We’. Folks are feeling more connected than ever, even as the vestiges of the old world crumble and release the last limitations of separation.

People are seeing in this the awesome opportunity to work together. They’re feeling heard. They’re seeing themselves nestled within the ‘We’, and how working for common goals and support for everyone builds a much firmer foundation than operating as the ‘I’.

The beauty of this circle is, of course, that the’We’ is really the divine “I” of the All-That-Is, so all are served in this communion.

This energy of the group, of the ‘We’, is so exciting to experience, and to work and play within. This feeling of personal support in the midst of the collective is so new for many of us, but this energy is indeed intended and nurtured within our new Lightworker community that is lovingly named Gaia Scene.

I feel so blessed to be a part of bringing forth this new energy and communications creation, as an offering to ALL.

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