Mayan Messages: Heavenly Hierarchy

via Theresa Crabtree, Mayan Messages, December 14, 2015

When you set aside lower frequency belief codes, behaviors and thought patterns, then replace them with higher frequency choices, you affect All. As the student gains mastery, he seeks new teachers who can take him to another level.

Even in your present lifetime, many Ascended Masters have moved out of the physical realm to assist in the next Dimension. As they moved into place and settled in, some of their Masters handed the baton to them and have moved into higher Realms. The reasons to leave one realm and go to another are varied.

Simply be kind and you will not go wrong. There are no perfect, right or wrong Paths. All lead to the same place, providing opportunities for varied experiences. Choose love and light and you will be blessed abundantly. Take your focus off saving other people and place your attention on areas within yourself that are out of balance.

Take your mind off saving the world and pay attention to how you affect the world. Once you have changed your ineffectual habits, then you will be in an honorable place to be a role-model for others.  Selamet!  Manik 12

There is much more to this Message. Read it in its entirety by scrolling to Day 207 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

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