
I won’t lie, I’m hurting bad on the inside. Have been for the past 8 days. But even with all its pain, life is so incredibly beautiful. I couldn’t imagine not being on this planet with all of you wonderful people.

Stay strong. We are love. ❤

we are love

9 thoughts on “Hurting”

  1. Blessings and healing are affirmed for you. Your readers look forward to your messages every day. Stay strong. Call on the I AM PRESENCE. You are never alone. Love opens the channel and I send you peace.


  2. Hey Wes ~ When I was awakened in 1972, 45 years ago, I believed I’d found “it”! and I had …. but it also didn’t take me long to realize that “it” could only be achieved and received as each layer of contracted consciousness was relieved. I’m sure you know this.

    Most of the first 44 years were given to deep, deep depressions, usually lasting 3 months or more, then finally fighting my way to return to that exalted state ~ which usually lasted about 3 days. A bipolar existence that seemed endless. The pain I experienced was so deep and strong, I’d double over with wracking sobs, screaming and howling.

    Just this year, my 45th, I have re-woven realities ~ bringing Light into the dark, Dark back into Light ~ to sufficiently be balanced enough to begin talking about my experiences. When I say “I”, that also includes the collective ONE that WE ALL ARE.

    I feel you are aware of everything I’m saying. As you also know, the incoming higher frequencies are playing kick-ass with all unresolved pain, anger, fear and distortions that must cleansed and be cleared. I know you know this, also. The key, for me, has been ~ and continues to be ~ going to each place in my body where I’ve held the emotion, and to love it completely, thanking it for the gift it’s bringing forth. Sometimes it’s personal, other times it’s planetary ~ or both. We just need to dissolve, in love, whatever is arising to be cleared. I know you know this ~ I’m just reminding you.

    I gave an amazing 6 months last year, over to pain that was coming forth so intensely, it was affecting my body in a condition often called “fibromyalgia”. I was in so much pain I couldn’t find a comfortable position to sit, sleep, walk … After I’d played through our human conditioning of avoidance long enough to realize my body was not going to allow me to play out that ancient pattern of trying to push the pain away and continue in a mindless state of BEing, I finally stopped, turned and looked directly into the belly of the pain,

    The first time this happened, I was honored to be given the blessing of thanking some of our Reptilian Relatives for the service they performed here with us on earth, so that we could have our human experience of separation and contraction. They were surprised to experience receiving a positive comment, since most of the feedback they’re given has been to push them away. A large contingent was released to return to their home star systems. As I write this, I continue to feel deeply humbled.

    A month or two later, I experienced another wave of this excruciating pain. This time, when I turned and faced it, I was opened into the realm of reality where the plasma energies containing our Source consciousness interface with the Elementals who are translating the encoded instructions contained within the plasma, into the birth/rebirth of our physicality. That experience has helped me to see more and more of the aspects of awareness that allow us to believe in our physicality. Since then, over a year ago, I’m seeing our physical perception breaking up and returning to/becoming primordial energy.

    I understand deeply your experience of being in pain and simultaneously feeling wonder and amazement and gratitude for this moment of NOW.

    I love you. I love the role you are giving on behalf of US ALL. Thank YoUS. Sharing Blessings of Great Gratitude with US ALL. ~Joie


    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement and for sharing your story, Joie. The energies are definitely putting us through some crazy times right now! I’m confident we will find the light at the end of the tunnel, as it’s always been here for us. Much love 🙂


  3. Hang in there, dude! ALL of us are freaked out by the crazed antics and threats of this demented lunatic Trump — who happens to control one of the largest arsenals of NUCLEAR WEAPONS on the planet. And he is evidently crazy enough to use them, out of sheer spite. Trust that Divine Guidance and Higher Powers will never allow this cosmic atrocity to happen.


  4. Dear Wes, I’ve benefited from you for YEARS, even the term “benefit from ” is far insufficient to signify it. In spite of my silence, the truth is you have touched, inspired, helped, even fed the very spiritual foods all the times which not only just changed my life. Once that when we didn’t get your updating owing to your suffering of floods, I could not but worry ; then when watching your video, showing what’ s going on, honestly, I feel it’s a family who suffer but are just so loving to thing of others, to help, to give. Soon, the geographical distance felt disappearing. I’m suffering the very pain right at the very same time. I’m with you, my brother….our precious ANGEL !!! My best blessings and hugs to you, if it’s welcome !!! You are not alone, just like you have been with us, I’m with you !!! Here, I anyhow shouldn’t hesitate any more to address you my highest appreciation, gratitude, even homage to your dedication, gifts, benevolence, love, light and all these both spiritual and intelligent supplies !!! This life, even not only so, this world can be changed towards the direction of LIGHT faster, in a way so beautiful, THANKS TO YOU & YOUR DEDICATION !!! You are definitely not alone !!!


  5. Dear Wes, I’ve benefited from you for YEARS, even the term “benefit from ” is far insufficient to signify it. In spite of my silence, the truth is you have touched, inspired, helped, even fed the very spiritual foods all the times which not only just changed my life. Once that when we didn’t get your updating owing to your suffering of floods, I could not but worry ; then when watching your video, showing what’ s going on, honestly, I feel it’s a family who suffer but are just so loving to thing of others, to help, to give. Soon, the geographical distance felt disappearing. I’m suffering the very pain right at the very same time. I’m with you, my brother….our precious ANGEL !!! My best blessings and hugs to you, if it’s welcome !!! You are not alone, just like you have been with us, I’m with you !!! Here, I anyhow shouldn’t hesitate any more to address you my highest appreciation, gratitude, even homage to your dedication, gifts, benevolence, love, light and all these both spiritual and intelligent supplies !!! This life, even not only so, this world can be changed towards the direction of LIGHT faster, in a way so beautiful, THANKS TO YOU & YOUR DEDICATION !!! You are definitely not alone !!!



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