Cedella Marley: Channeling Your Desire for Change

Positive Vibrations by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

If you wish to get rid of something, do not seek to fight against it. For by doing so, you only end up making it stronger. Instead, choose to create a more valuable and compelling alternative.

Find a way to channel your desire for change in a positive direction. Let go of your need to assign blame and to seek retribution for destructive behavior. For that usually results in an escalating cycle of more destruction.

One love…Cedella


cedella marleydesire for change
Eckhart Tolle – 27 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From

Eckhart Tolle – 27 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From

By Luminita, via Body Mind Soul Spirit

I love Eckhart Tolle. I remember reading his book, in 2010 and from that moment on, whenever I feel that my mind is drifting, making too much noise and keeping me from being fully present and engaged in the NOW, I immediately go back to reading his book. I have learned so many wonderful lessons from reading his inspiring books, watching his lectures, and today I would like to share 27 of these life changing lessons with you. Continue reading Eckhart Tolle – 27 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From

eckhart tollelife-changing lessons
Nestle Extracting Water From Canadian Towns On Expired Permits

Nestle Extracting Water From Canadian Towns On Expired Permits

By Amelia Kinney, True Activist

The corporate giant known for processed foods and sugary beverages blames the lapse on complicated new regulations.


World’s biggest bottled water producer, Nestle, has been exposed for sourcing water in Canada on expired permits. Environmentalists are outraged that the Canadian government is letting Nestle continue to capitalize on public resources and contribute huge amounts of plastic pollution. Continue reading Nestle Extracting Water From Canadian Towns On Expired Permits

canadian townsexpired permitsnestle extracting water
Overcoming Fear… by Embracing Nothingness

Overcoming Fear… by Embracing Nothingness

By Richard West, Wake Up World

“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.” — Rumi

Dying — whether a final death or an everyday challenge to our sense of self, it confronts our identity causing us to be afraid. Essentially our fear of death is a fear of losing that which we identify with. Thus we often cling to certain traits and identities within us, especially our world view and belief system, and especially when these are challenged by others. It’s been shown over and over again that when reminded of our fear of death, we react generously to those who reinforce our beliefs and harshly to those who call our beliefs into question. Continue reading Overcoming Fear… by Embracing Nothingness

embracing nothingnessovercoming fear
A Spoonful Of This Miracle Plant Can Replace a Whole Serving Of Vegetables

A Spoonful Of This Miracle Plant Can Replace a Whole Serving Of Vegetables

By Anna Hunt, via The Mind Unleashed

Moringa is a wonderful solution to a common problem created by the convenience of pre-packaged foods and eating-on-the-go mentality. The problem: People are just not eating enough vegetables and fruits. The solution: a spoonful of moringa can supplement your diet with nutrients equal to a whole extra serving of vegetables.

Sadly, considering the abundance of food available, the typical Western diet does not provide sufficient nutrients for one to stay healthy. As a result, the Western population seems plagued by chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer. Continue reading A Spoonful Of This Miracle Plant Can Replace a Whole Serving Of Vegetables

miracle plantspoonfulwhole serving of vegetables

Cedella Marley: Don’t Get Discouraged

Positive Vibrations by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

If you’ve fallen behind schedule from last week, do not allow yourself to get discouraged. It’s more reason to get going. The sooner you get started, the more you’ll get done. The sooner you get to work, the more value you’ll create with your efforts.

It may sometimes seem that the easiest choice is to slack off and delay your efforts until later. Yet by doing that, you’re actually making things more difficult for yourself. Be proactive and you will create a more positive, productive week ahead.

One love…Cedella


cedella marleydon't be discouraged
9 Choices Your Future Self Will Definitely Regret

9 Choices Your Future Self Will Definitely Regret

By Eevee G, Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit

“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, “It might have been.” -Kurt Vonnegut

We all have something at the back of our minds that we wish to have done differently or haven’t done at all. We often ask ourselves what could be different if we tried harder to be better. Here is a list of things you will regret in the long run. Continue reading 9 Choices Your Future Self Will Definitely Regret

9 choicesfuture selfregret
Gucci Is Going Fur-Free And Donating Money From Remaining Fur Sales To Animals

Gucci Is Going Fur-Free And Donating Money From Remaining Fur Sales To Animals

By Igor, True Activist

They will hold an auction for the remaining fur, which will be donated to animal rights organizations.

Following Armani’s big transition into a fur-free designer company last year, fashion powerhouse Gucci has also announced that their brand will be going fur-free starting in 2018. After seeing the writing on the wall and where consumers and the fashion industry were headed, it was inevitable that Gucci would go this direction, and now consumers are hoping even more companies will follow suit. Continue reading Gucci Is Going Fur-Free And Donating Money From Remaining Fur Sales To Animals

animal rights organizationsfur salesfur-freegucci
How Radical Self Expression Can Change the World

How Radical Self Expression Can Change the World

By Nanice Ellis, Wake Up World

Believe it or not, you are here on Earth for the sole purpose of Radical Self-Expression. So, instead of following the crowd and suppressing your True Self, you should be following your dreams, and doing what you really want to do!

Of course, some people fear that if we all do what we want, the world will be in chaos, but, since the world’s already in chaos, and actually nearing the point of extinction, what do we have to lose? But, enough with the doom and gloom, here’s why radical self-expression will change the course of history, and why it’s crucial for you to participate… Continue reading How Radical Self Expression Can Change the World

change the worldcreativityexpress yourselfradical self-expression
Independent Catalonia in Jeopardy as Spain Makes Unprecedented Move to Oust Elected Leaders

Independent Catalonia in Jeopardy as Spain Makes Unprecedented Move to Oust Elected Leaders

By Claire Bernish, The Mind Unleashed

To effectively quash all aspirations of independence, as sought by 90 percent of voters in a recent referendum, Spanish officials are attempting to invoke unprecedented powers against semi-autonomous Catalonia — up to and including the dissolution of its parliament and removal of President Carles Puigdemont — in continued actions deemed reminiscent of the dictatorial reign of Francisco Franco.

In response to a vehement push toward regional autonomy, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has urged the implementation of Article 155 of the Constitution, which imposes direct rule by Spain over any of its semi-autonomous regional governments during crisis — this crisis, being the possible cleaving of an area responsible for one-fifth of its parent’s economy — a dire situation sparking clashes and violence for some time. Continue reading Independent Catalonia in Jeopardy as Spain Makes Unprecedented Move to Oust Elected Leaders

in jeopardyindependent cataloniaoust elected leadersSpain